How to rename label within a metric in Prometheus
you can use the label_replace function in promQL, but it also add the label, don't replace it
<vector_expr>, "<desired_label>", "$1", "<existing_label>", "(.+)"
"unit_name","$1","name", "(.+)"
So, to avoid the repetition you can add:
"unit_name","$1","name", "(.+)"
I got tired of all the fragmented documentation and I feel I provided a better answer in this post here:
Replace is not a true REPLACE
Your goal is to simply replace the old label name “old_job_id” with a new label name “new_task_id”. Prometheus label_replace will really “add” the new label name. It will preserve the old label name as well… So, that could be a problem, it’s not a true “replace in place”.
So if you want to “add” your new label name and “remove” the old label name, you need to do this:
sum without (old_job_id) (label_replace(metric, "new_task_id", "$1", "old_job_id", "(.*)"))
Here’s how this reads:
sum without (old_job_id) will remove the old label name from the query output
metric is your metric, like “node_filesystem_avail_bytes”
“new_task_id” is where you would put your new label name
“$1” is regex for using the string in new label name, don’t change this
“old_job_id” is where you’ll put your old label, the one you want to get rid of (.*……. that mess is regex that will replace the whole label name