how to renew expired certificate with fastlane?

You can use fastlane match development after deleting the development profiles and certificates from your git repo. Alternatively, you can delete everything from git repo and run fastlane match

If you do not care about existing profiles and certificates, just run fastlane match nuke development and fastlane match nuke appstore, then fastlane match development and fastlane match appstore. These commands will first delete everything from your git repo and apple developer portal and the next two commands will create everything on your apple developer portal and push them to your git repo.

Read up this

Before start ensure you got certificates repo in github

Clearing old certificates

fastlane match nuke development
fastlane match nuke distribution

After clearing, we need to re-create new certificates

fastlane match development
fastlane match appstore

and restart your Xcode

I renewed expired certificate by deleting it from the Git repository and then running fastlane match. If you append --force it will also renew the profiles to use the new certificate.


  1. Delete expired certificate from Git repository.
  2. Run fastlane match development --force to renew certificate and profiles. (Replace development with appstore or adhoc depending on your certificate type.