how to replace apostrophe (’) with single quote(')
WOW! after surfing the net I found Pascal Martin's answer very also has a reference to a website with the full answer. How to replace Microsoft-encoded quotes in PHP
I was able to replace right quotation mark with normal quote
//convert single-byte apostrophes -encoded
function convert_smart_quotes($string)
$search = array(chr(145),
$replace = array("'",
return str_replace($search, $replace, $string);
Also this answer is much more useful: Converting Microsoft Word special characters with PHP
This seems to be a charset issue. Have you checked if even your editor's charset is set to ISO-8859-1
Anyway, a workaround could be convert your string to hex and let MySQL convert it again to string. I haven't tested this code, but it should work.
function create_note($page_id,$title,$note,$category,$author_id){
global $conn,$notes_table,$pages_table,$notification_table;
$sql = "INSERT INTO $notes_table(page_id,title,content,note_category) VALUES(?,?,UNHEX(?),?)";
$query = $conn->prepare($sql);