How to replace Assert.Fail() with FluentAssertions

Restructure the test to utilize the .ShouldThrow<> assertion extension.

[TestMethod, TestCategory("ImportantTest")]
public void MethodToTest_Circumstances_ExpectedResult() {
    // Arrange
    var variable1 = new Type1() { Value = "hello" };
    var variable2 = new Type2() { Name = "Bob" };

    // Act
    Action act = () => MethodToTest(variable1, variable2);       

    // Assert
    // This method should have thrown an exception
    // test that variable1 was changed by the method
    // test that variable2 is unchanged because the method threw an exception before changing it

In the above example, if the expected exception is not thrown the the assertion would fail, stopping the test case.

You should review the documentation on asserting exceptions to get a better understanding of how to use the library.

Following the example in here, he just dealt away with the Assert.Fail -- and use action and .ShouldThrow