How to report parameters in Firebase Analytics Events

Now this is done using Custom Definitions in Firebase, according to this doc:

You need to go to Firebase Console and define Custom Definitions enter image description here

After that and after you wait for 24hrs in Google Analytics you should be able to see this custom dimension with your custom event and custom parameters

enter image description here

[ UPDATE 2021 ]

So it seems Custom Definitions has been moved to its own section in the side menu.

Custom Definitions section in Firebase Console menu

[ UPDATE 2020 ]

It is now done via something called Custom Definitions.

Refer to @ToM's answer for more or check:


You have to tell Firebase to start tracking that specific param for that specific event in the console.

In Google Analytics for Firebase there exists a limit on how many parameters you can add per event, and in total. As of today, this limit is up to 100 parameters globally (50 numeric and 50 text).

That being said, because of having a limit, Firebase forces you to specify which parameters you want to be tracked, so in case you send more that 100 different parameters, you can still track the ones you decide, while excluding the others. Only the parameters you explicitly specify to track are going to be shown in the Firebase console, so in order to start seeing that parameters, you will have to do the following:

  1. Go to Firebase console
  2. Go to Events section
  3. Identify your event (saved_borderin your case)
  4. Click on the 3 dots icon for that parameter
  5. Click on Edit parameter reporting
  6. Finally add your parameter name saved_image

Once done, Firebase will start showing up that parameter for that event.

For more information about this, as well as the rest of the limitations regarding to custom params in events, Google explains it here:

I think that this limitation only affects to the Firebase console, but not to BigQuery. So, although if you exceed the parameters limit, you will not see them in the console, I think that you could still access all those "missing" events and parameters via BigQuery, if you were using it and had it already linked with Firebase