How to reselect already selected option

This question comes to my attention as this is pretty basic stuff but no one actually dig into it further. OP has been using change(), but when you reselect the current selected option nothing is fired!

I tried click(), but it's firing before you can even choose an option.

With blur(), after you're done selecting nothing is fired because the the select element is still being focused, so you need to focus out like clicking outside for it to execute.

So I just suggested OP to switch to a radio type input then handle execution with click() event. That way you can still reselect already marked radio button.

But then I noticed that you just need to get the second click on <select> element because the first click opens the drop down list of options the second click returns the value of your selected option. So I came up with this:

    var $this = $(this);

    if ($this.hasClass('open')) {
    }else {

But now the problem is when you first click on <select> the drop down is being showned and we've also added the class 'open'. Then clicking elsewhere (without selecting an option) the drop down is hidden so when you click back on <select> the event is fired before you can even select an option.

So I added this code to fix that:

   var $select = $('select');

    if (!${
        $select.removeClass('open'); //reset the steps by removing open

You can test it out in this jsfiddle. Cheers!

I think when <select> loses its focus is also a concern. So I added blur() event. See this update jsfiddle