how to reset the filters in a datatable

To reset custom filters

If you're using custom filtering function as in this example, you need to clear controls involved before filtering and redrawing the table.


To reset global search

  • jQuery DataTables 1.9+

    Call fnFilter() API method with empty string as a first argument to reset the global search and redraw the table.

    For example:

  • jQuery DataTables 1.10

    Call search() API method with empty string as a first argument followed by call to draw() API method to reset the global search and redraw the table.

    For example:


For those who's performing a search with column and regex:


DataTables 1.10+ new API can achieve the same effect without the requirement for plug-ins using the following chaining:

var table = $('#example').DataTable();'').columns().search('').draw();

If you are using earlier versions of DataTables, you need to include plugin library called fnFilterClear and call:

var table = $('#example').DataTable(); 

Please see this DataTables API page for more information and the plugin that needs to be used for earlier versions of DataTable.