how to reshape 1d array to 2d in python code example
Example: numpy convert 1d array to 2d
import numpy as np
# 1D array
one_dim_arr = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])
# to convert to 2D array
# we can use the np.ndarray.reshape(shape) function
# here shape is given by two integers seperated by a comma
# the two integers specify m,n for the new matrix
# ensure that the matrix that you are trying to generate
# has a size that meets the number of elements in the 1D array.
# for that make sure that
# m * n = number of elements in the one dimentional array
two_dim_arr = one_dim_arr.reshape(1, 6)
#which returns a 2D array
# confirmed by the array.ndim attribute
# you can even specify one of the dimensions as unknown by passing -1
# numpy will infer the length using the array and remaining dimensions
two_dim_arr = one_dim_arr.reshape(1,-1)