How to resize images using terminal on Mac OSX?
Here is script that uses sips
to recursively resize all the images in a given folder (and its sub-folders), and places the resized images in a resized
folder on the same tree level as the image:
# This script resizes all the images it finds in a folder (and its subfolders) and resizes them
# The resized image is placed in the /resized folder which will reside in the same directory as the image
# Usage: > ./
initial_folder="/your/images/folder" # You can use "." to target the folder in which you are running the script for example
all_images=$(find -E $initial_folder -iregex ".*\.(jpg|gif|png|jpeg)")
while read -r image_full_path; do
filename=$(basename "$image_full_path");
source_folder=$(dirname "$image_full_path");
if [ ! -z "$image_full_path" -a "$image_full_path" != " " ] &&
# Do not resize images inside a folder that was already resized
[ "$(basename "$source_folder")" != "$resized_folder_name" ]; then
mkdir "$destination_folder";
sips -Z 700 "$image_full_path" --out "$destination_full_path";
done <<< "$all_images"
As pointed out by LifeHacker, the following command will do this very easily:
sips -Z 640 *.jpg
To quote their explanation:
is the command being used and -Z tells it to maintain the image's aspect ratio. "640" is the maximum height and width to be used and "*.jpg" instructs your computer to downsize every image ending in .jpg. It's really simple and shrinks your images very quickly. Be sure to make a copy first if you want to preserve their larger size as well."
imagemagick helps:
$ convert foo.jpg -resize 50% bar.jpg
There are a lot more things it can do, including the conversion between formats, applying effects, crop, colorize and much, much more.