How to resolve external packages with spark-shell when behind a corporate proxy?

This worked for me in spark 1.6.1:

bin\spark-shell --driver-java-options "-Dhttp.proxyHost=<proxyHost> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<proxyPort> -Dhttps.proxyHost=<proxyHost> -Dhttps.proxyPort=<proxyPort>" --packages <package>

If proxy is correctly configured on your OS, you can use the java property:

--conf ""

so proxy host / port and no-proxy hosts will be configured.

Found the correct settings:

bin/spark-shell --conf "spark.driver.extraJavaOptions=-Dhttp.proxyHost=<proxyHost> -Dhttp.proxyPort=<proxyPort> -Dhttps.proxyHost=<proxyHost> -Dhttps.proxyPort=<proxyPort>" --packages <somePackage>

Both http and https proxies have to be set as extra driver options. JAVA_OPTS does not seem to do anything.