How to resolve failure of JAX_WS web service invocation "MustUnderstand headers are not understood"?

You can configure a dummy SOAPHandler for {}Security that would mark this header as 'understood'.

Or you could change the SOAP request (on the caller side) to set mustUnderstand="0" in the security header.

Example security SOAP header with mustUnderstand="0":

<S:Header xmlns:S="">
   <wsse:Security S:mustUnderstand="0" xmlns:wsse="">
         <wsse:Password wsse:Type="">PASSWORD</wsse:Password>

After much research, this article solves this issue.

As per WS security specification: The processor MUST, after decrypting the encrypted header block, process the decrypted header block according to the SOAP processing guidelines. The receiver MUST raise a fault if any content required to adequately process the header block remains encrypted or if the decrypted SOAP header is not understood and the value of the S12:mustUnderstand or S11:mustUnderstand attribute on the decrypted header block is true. Note that in order to comply with SOAP processing rules in this case, the processor must roll back any persistent effects of processing the security header, such as storing a received token. So please check Configuration of CallbackHandlers.