How to resolve RSpec's deprecation warning about the new expect syntax?

As the message says you have two options:

  • Explicitly configure RSpec to allow .should. Don't use that option; .should is deprecated and will likely not be as well supported in the future. If you really wanted to allow .should, though, you could do it by adding this to your spec_helper.rb (or editing the example configuration of rspec-mocks that is probably already there):

    RSpec.configure do |config|
      config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations|
        expectations.syntax = :should

    If you want to use both expect and .should, set

    expectations.syntax = [:expect, :should]

    But don't do that, pick one and use it everywhere in your tests suite.

  • Rewrite your expectation to

    expect(page).to have_content "Confirm Password Does not Match"

    If you have many specs whose syntax needs upgrading, you can use the transpec gem to do it automatically.

Side note: Don't sleep 2 before your expectation. Capybara's have_content matcher waits for you.

I just replaced:

page.should have_content "Confirm Password Does not Match"


expect(page).to have_content "Confirm Password Does not Match"