How to restart nautilus without logging out?
To restart nautilus...
First, type the following in your terminal to quit nautilus:
nautilus -q
orkillall nautilus
Then, open nautilus via Unity menu (press the Super key) or using the run command (Alt + F2).
Open terminal by Ctrl+Alt+T and try this:
$ nautilus -q && nautilus &
get it done without switching from the terminal.
I had a GTK error at one point and nautilus -q did not work. So instead of asking nicely I went a more ridiculous route to kill nautilus and restart.
$ ps -aux | grep nautilus
This will list all processes that have nautilus in description. You should get something like this.
carlos 2070 0.1 0.9 1608528 77500 ? Sl 08:56 0:40 nautilus -n
carlos 29272 0.0 0.0 16744 1004 pts/1 S+ 16:38 0:00 grep --color=auto nautilus
Look for the one with that says nautilus and grab the 4 digit code. Once you have that written down you can kill the process.
$ sudo kill 2070
Nautilus should die and restart automatically. Again I just used this because I had a wierd GTK error when I tried running nautilus -q.