How to retrieve all permissions of a specific model in django?

you can check on codename field which will be something like: 'change_company' etc ...

model_name = 'company'
all_perms_on_this_modal = Permission.objects.filter(codename__contains=model_name)

I would suggest you something like this:

all_permissions = Permission.objects.filter(content_type__app_label='app label', content_type__model='lower case model name')

Retrieving model's app_label:


Retrieving model's lower case name:


Also, you can retrieve a ContentType instance representing a model:


Since ContentType uses a cache, it is quite acceptable. Thus, there is another way to achieve what you need:

content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Company)
all_permissions = Permission.objects.filter(content_type=content_type)