How to retrieve data from the latest date in laravel?

use orderbBy():



DB::table('tbl')->orderBy('date', 'DESC')->first();


TblModel::where('date', TblModel::max('date'))->orderBy('date','desc')->get();

You can use latest():

DB::table('tbl')->latest()->first(); // considers created_at field by default.


DB::table('items')->latest('date')->first(); //specify your own column

Under the hood:

latest() will orderBy with the column you provide in descending order where the default column will be created_at.

public function latest($column = 'created_at')
    return $this->orderBy($column, 'desc');

You can also use an Eloquent here for your query

TableModel::latest()->first(); // returns the latest inserted record

TableModel::oldest()->first(); // returns the first ever inserted record from your table