How to return a Json object from a C# method

resp is already a JSON string, but it is not valid JSON (the keys are not wrapped in quotes ("). If it is returned to angular, the JavaScript JSON.parse() method is unable to deserialize it. However, you can use JSON.NET in deserialize it to a JObject and serialize it again into valid JSON and create your own HttpResponseMessage...

public HttpResponseMessage Get()
    string userid = UrlUtil.getParam(this, "userid", "");
    string pwd    = UrlUtil.getParam(this, "pwd", "" );

    string resp = DynAggrClientAPI.openSession(userid, pwd);
    var jObject = JObject.Parse(resp);

    var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK);
    response.Content = new StringContent(jObject.ToString(), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
    return response;

Or you can just return the JObject and have Web API serialize it for you...

public JObject Get()
    string userid = UrlUtil.getParam(this, "userid", "");
    string pwd    = UrlUtil.getParam(this, "pwd", "" );

    string resp = DynAggrClientAPI.openSession(userid, pwd);
    var jObject = JObject.Parse(resp);

    return jObject;

In either case, the Web API call should return this JSON, which is now valid...

  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "data": [

In the angular code, you'd have to dig out the session id which is stored in an array called data...

userService.openUserSession(rzEnvJson).then(function (response) {
    var sessionResponse =; // or simply response, depending if this is a promise returned from $http
    $rootScope.rgSessionVars.sessionID =[0];

The key to what is going on here is in the comment made by Mike Cheel; serialization is happening twice, once in the OP's code and once by Asp.Net WebAPI. That is why a string is returned instead of a Json object.

I was encountering the exact same thing. Here is a hello world example showing the problem. I first did something like this:

public string GetAllItems()
    var result = new
        x = "hello",
        y = "world"
    return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result);

I then tried to so something like this, thinking that I needed to return IHttpActionResult to resolve this:

public IHttpActionResult GetAllItems()
    var result = new
        x = "hello",
        y = "world"
    return Ok(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result));

Both these controller actions gave me a string rather than the Json object that I was wanting; so I go this:


Finally I saw the comment by Mike and realized that I needed to return the .Net object directly and just let WebAPI handle the serialization. So instead of returning this:

return Ok(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result));

return this:

return Ok(result);

Then I got the result that I was expecting:


I don't see what this has to do with AngularJS, but your problem is simple. Your data object is JSON encoded. So you could almost certainly access data.JsonRequestBehavior and it would be 1. But your Data field inside it is AGAIN JSON-encoded. You need to decode it before trying to use it - it's just a string when you get to this callback:

var myData = angular.fromJson(data.Data);

Note that your data.Data object is itself another wrapper - an array. You almost certainly want[0] to go into that sessionID field...