How to return a reference to a sub-value of a value that is under a mutex?

The parking_lot crate provides an implementation of Mutexes that's better on many accounts than the one in std. Among the goodies is MutexGuard::map, which implements an interface similar to owning_ref's.

use std::sync::Arc;
use parking_lot::{Mutex, MutexGuard, MappedMutexGuard};
use std::collections::HashMap;

pub struct MyStruct {
    data: Arc<Mutex<HashMap<i32, Vec<i32>>>>,

impl MyStruct {
    pub fn get_data_for(&self, i: &i32) -> MappedMutexGuard<Vec<i32>> {
        MutexGuard::map(, |d| d.get_mut(i).unwrap())

You can try it on the playground here.

This solution is similar to @Neikos's, but using owning_ref to do hold the MutexGuard and a reference to the Vec:

extern crate owning_ref;
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::sync::{Mutex,MutexGuard};
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::vec::Vec;
use owning_ref::MutexGuardRef;

type HM = HashMap<i32, Vec<i32>>;

pub struct MyStruct {
    data: Arc<Mutex<HM>>,

impl MyStruct {
    pub fn new() -> MyStruct {
        let mut hm = HashMap::new();
        hm.insert(3, vec![2,3,5,7]);
            data: Arc::new(Mutex::new(hm)),
    pub fn get_data_for<'ret, 'me:'ret, 'c>(&'me self, i: &'c i32) -> MutexGuardRef<'ret, HM, Vec<i32>> {
               .map(|mg| mg.get(i).unwrap())

fn main() {
    let s: MyStruct = MyStruct::new();

    let vref = s.get_data_for(&3);

    for x in vref.iter() {
        println!("{}", x);

This has the advantage that it's easy (through the map method on owning_ref) to get a similar reference to anything else reachable from the Mutex (an individual item in a Vec, etc.) without having to re-implement the returned type.

