how to return a string array from a function

The cause of your compiler error is simple, but not the answer to what you really want to do. You are declaring that the function returns a char *, while returning a char **.

Without knowing the details of what you're doing, I'm going to assume one of two things are true:

1) The purpose of the function is to create and return an array of strings. 2) The function performs some operation(s) on an array of strings.

If #1 is true, you need several malloc calls to make this work (It can really be done with only two, but for purposes of simplicity, I'll use several).

If you don't know how large the array is supposed to be, your function declaration should look like this:

char ** allocateStrings ( int numberOfStrings, int strLength );

The reason for this is because you're essentially returning a pointer to an array of pointers and you need to know how many strings and how long each string is.

char ** allocateStrings ( int numberOfStrings, int strLength )
    int i;

    //The first line is allocating an array of pointers to chars, not actually allocating any strings itself
    char ** retVal = ( char ** ) malloc ( sizeof ( char * ) * numberOfStrings );

    //For each string, we need to malloc strLength chars
    for ( i = 0; i < numberOfStrings; i ++ )
        //Allocate one extra char for the null pointer at the end
        retVal [ i ] = ( char * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * ( strLength + 1 ) );

    return retVal;

As somebody else pointed out, it's best practice to have whatever does the allocating also do the deallocating. So a cleanup function is needed.

void cleanupStrings ( char ** strArray, int numberOfStrings )
    int i;

    for ( i = 0; i < numberOfStrings; i ++ )
        //Should be checking to see if this is a null pointer.
        free ( strArray [ i ] );

    //Once the strings themselves are freed, free the actual array itself.
    free ( strArray );

Now, keep in mind that once the cleanup function is called, you no longer have access to the array. Trying to still use it will most likely cause your application to crash.

If #2 is true, then you want to allocate the strings, process the strings, and clean them up. You should use the two functions above to allocate/deallocate your strings, then a third function to do whatever with them.

void processStrings ( char ** strArray, int numberOfStrings, int strLength );

A string array in C can be used either with char** or with char*[]. However, you cannot return values stored on the stack, as in your function. If you want to return the string array, you have to reserve it dynamically:

char** myFunction() {
    char ** sub_str = malloc(10 * sizeof(char*));
    for (int i =0 ; i < 10; ++i)
        sub_str[i] = malloc(20 * sizeof(char));
    /* Fill the sub_str strings */
    return sub_str;

Then, main can get the string array like this:

char** str = myFunction();
printf("%s", str[0]); /* Prints the first string. */

EDIT: Since we allocated sub_str, we now return a memory address that can be accessed in the main

you need the return type to be char(*)[20]. But even in this case you don't want to return a pointer to a local object from the function.
Use malloc to allocate sub_str, and return char**.

To programmers just starting out, the concept of a "stack" or the "heap" might be a little confusing, especially if you have started programming in a higher level language like Ruby, Java, Python, etc.


char **get_me_some_strings() {
  char *ary[] = {"ABC", "BCD", NULL};
  return ary;

The compiler will rightfully issue a complaint about trying to return address of a local variable, and you will most certainly get a segmentation fault trying to use the returned pointer.


char **get_me_some_strings() {
  char *ary[] = {"ABC", "BCD", NULL};
  char **strings = ary;
  return strings;

will shut the compiler up, while still getting the same nasty segmentation fault.

To keep everyone but the zealots happy, you would do something a little more elaborate:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

char **get_me_some_strings() {
  char *ary[] = { "ABC", "BCD", NULL };
  char **strings = ary; // a pointer to a pointer, for easy iteration
  char **to_be_returned = malloc(sizeof(char*) * 3);
  int i = 0;
  while(*strings) {
    to_be_returned[i] = malloc( sizeof(char) * strlen( *strings ) );
    strcpy( to_be_returned[i++], *strings);
  return to_be_returned;

now use it:

void i_need_me_some_strings() {
  char **strings = get_me_some_strings();
  while(*strings) {
    printf("a fine string that says: %s", *strings);

Just remember to free the allocated memory when you are done, cuz nobody will do it for you. That goes for all the pointers, not just the pointer to the pointers! (i think).

To make more sense of it all, you might also want to read this: What and where are the stack and heap?
