How to return a value using constructor in c#?

Constructors do not have a return type, but you can pass values by reference using the ref keyword. It would be better to throw an exception from the constructor to indicate a validation failure.

public class YourClass
    public YourClass(ref string msg)
         msg = "your message";


public void CallingMethod()
    string msg = string.Empty;
    YourClass c = new YourClass(ref msg);       

The constructor does return a value - the type being constructed...

A constructor is not supposed to return any other type of value.

When you validate in a constructor, you should throw exceptions if the passed in values are invalid.

public class MyType
    public MyType(int toValidate)
      if (toValidate < 0)
        throw new ArgumentException("toValidate should be positive!");

Make a Constructor with Out parameter and send your return value via same.

public class ClassA
    public ClassA(out bool success)
        success = true;