How to return back a list instead of tuple in psycopg2
When you have more then one rows you can use the following code
result = [r[0] for r in cur.fetchall()]
As a quick fix you can return an array:
select array_agg(transform(row_to_json(t)))
from (
select * from table
where a = %s and b = %s
limit 1000
) t;
""", (a_value, b_value))
As Psycopg adapts Postgresql arrays to Python lists then just get that list:
records = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
I guess it is possible to subclass cursor
to return lists in instead of tuples but if you are not dealing with huge sets I think it is not worth the trouble.
you may also use this code
result = cur.fetchall()
x = map(list, list(result))
x = sum(x, [])