How to return the currently active user/session on a graphical Linux desktop session?

On many current distributions, login sessions (graphical and non-graphical) are managed by logind. You can list sessions using

loginctl list-sessions

and then display each session’s properties using

loginctl show-session ${SESSIONID}


loginctl session-status ${SESSIONID}

(replacing ${SESSIONID} as appropriate); the difference between the two variants is that show-session is designed to be easily parsed, session-status is designed for human consumption. Active sessions are identified by their state; you can query that directly using

loginctl show-session -p State ${SESSIONID}

which will output


for the active session(s). The full show-session output will tell you which user is connected, which TTY is being used, whether it’s a remote session, whether it’s a graphical session etc.

Note that logind can have multiple active sessions, if the system is configured with multiple seats, or if there are remote sessions.

Putting this all together,

for sessionid in $(loginctl list-sessions --no-legend | awk '{ print $1 }')
do loginctl show-session -p Id -p Name -p User -p State -p Type -p Remote $sessionid

will give all the information you need to determine which sessions are active and who is using them, and

for sessionid in $(loginctl list-sessions --no-legend | awk '{ print $1 }')
do loginctl show-session -p Id -p Name -p User -p State -p Type -p Remote $sessionid | sort
done |
awk -F= '/Name/ { name = $2 } /User/ { user = $2 } /State/ { state = $2 } /Type/ { type = $2 } /Remote/ { remote = $2 } /User/ && remote == "no" && state == "active" && (type == "x11" || type == "wayland") { print user, name }'

will print the identifiers and logins of all active users with graphical sessions.

The LockedHint property now indicates whether a given session is locked, so

for sessionid in $(loginctl list-sessions --no-legend | awk '{ print $1 }')
do loginctl show-session -p Id -p Name -p User -p State -p Type -p Remote -p LockedHint $sessionid | sort
done |
awk -F= '/Name/ { name = $2 } /User/ { user = $2 } /State/ { state = $2 } /Type/ { type = $2 } /Remote/ { remote = $2 } /LockedHint/ { locked = $2 } /User/ && remote == "no" && state == "active" && (type == "x11" || type == "wayland") { print user, name, locked == "yes" ? "locked" : "unlocked" }'

will also indicate whether the active session is locked or not.