How to reveal Magento version by code?

The Mage::getVersion() method is defined here

#File: app/Mage.php
public static function getVersion()
    $i = self::getVersionInfo();
    return trim("{$i['major']}.{$i['minor']}.{$i['revision']}" . ($i['patch'] != '' ? ".{$i['patch']}" : "")
                    . "-{$i['stability']}{$i['number']}", '.-');

Jumping to the getVersionInfo referenced above, we find the following

#File: app/Mage.php
public static function getVersionInfo()
    return array(
        'major'     => '1',
        'minor'     => '7',
        'revision'  => '0',
        'patch'     => '2',
        'stability' => '',
        'number'    => '',

So, Magento uses the array returned by the getVersionInfo method to come up with a version number. We can do so manually (with our minds), and come up with the version for the method listed above. If we found

public static function getVersionInfo()
    return array(
        'major'     => '1',
        'minor'     => '5',
        'revision'  => '0',
        'patch'     => '0',
        'stability' => 'beta',
        'number'    => '1',

We'd know the version was the 1st beta of

That said, if the site's been hacked, all bets are off — as hackers have likely modified multiple class files and create a version of Magento that doesn't exist.

if hacked then you need to restore backup, and then you can run this command from magento root folder to check version quickly:

echo "Version: $(php -r "require 'app/Mage.php'; echo Mage::getVersion();")"


or even quicker:

grep -A 10 "function getVersionInfo" app/Mage.php 

public static function getVersionInfo()
    return array(
        'major'     => '1',
        'minor'     => '9',
        'revision'  => '2',
        'patch'     => '3',
        'stability' => '',
        'number'    => '',

We can find the magento which version is using now easily.

Just open your root folder /app/Mage.php

Near 168 line, you can find following code

public static function getVersionInfo()


    return array(

        'major'     => '1',

        'minor'     => '9',

        'revision'  => '0',

        'patch'     => '1',

        'stability' => '',

        'number'    => '',



It means that we are currently using version.