How to reverse a number as an integer and not as a string?

This should do it:

int n = 12345;
int left = n;
int rev = 0;
while(Convert.ToBoolean(left)) // instead of left>0 , to reverse signed numbers as well
   int r = left % 10;   
   rev = rev * 10 + r;
   left = left / 10;  //left = Math.floor(left / 10); 


using System; 

public class DoWhileDemo {   
  public static void Main() { 
    int num; 
    int nextdigit; 

    num = 198; 

    Console.WriteLine("Number: " + num); 

    Console.Write("Number in reverse order: "); 

    do { 
      nextdigit = num % 10; 
      num = num / 10; 
    } while(num > 0); 


multiply it by -1? precise your question please...

Something like this?

public int ReverseInt(int num)
    int result=0;
    while (num>0) 
       result = result*10 + num%10;
       num /= 10;
    return result;

As a hackish one-liner (update: used Benjamin's comment to shorten it):

num.ToString().Reverse().Aggregate(0, (b, x) => 10 * b + x - '0');

A speedier one-and-a-quarter-liner:

public static int ReverseOneLiner(int num)
    for (int result=0;; result = result * 10 + num % 10, num /= 10) if(num==0) return result;
    return 42;

It's not a one-liner because I had to include return 42;. The C# compiler wouldn't let me compile because it thought that no code path returned a value.

P.S. If you write code like this and a co-worker catches it, you deserve everything he/she does to you. Be warned!

EDIT: I wondered about how much slower the LINQ one-liner is, so I used the following benchmark code:

public static void Bench(Func<int,int> myFunc, int repeat)
    var R = new System.Random();
    var sw = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
    for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++)
        var ignore = myFunc(R.Next());
    Console.WriteLine("Operation took {0}ms", sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);

Result (10^6 random numbers in positive int32 range):

While loop version:
Operation took 279ms

Linq aggregate:
Operation took 984ms


