How to reverse digits of integer?
Another way would be
int digits = 12345;
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(digits));
OK, here's a fun implementation with IntStream
public static int reverse (int n) {
return IntStream.iterate (n, i -> i/10) // produces a infinite IntStream of n, n/10,
// n/100, ...
.limit(10) // 10 elements are sufficient, since int has <= 10 digits
.filter (i -> i > 0) // remove any trailing 0 elements
.map(i -> i % 10) // produce an IntStream of the digits in reversed
// order
.reduce (0, (r,i) -> r*10 + i); // reduce the reversed digits back
// to an int
For example, for the input 123456789, it will first generate the infinite IntStream
After limiting to 10 elements and removing the 0s, we are left with:
After mapping each element to its last digit, we get:
Now we just have to reduce the IntStream
in a manner similar to what you did in your question - add each element to the intermediate result multiplied by 10:
((((0 * 10 + 9) * 10 + 8) * 10 + 7) * 10 ....) * 10 + 1
Note that if the input number has 10 digits and the last digit > 1, the reversed result will overflow.
It also doesn't support negative input.