How to Rotate Text in Table across column spanning many rows

Use nested tabulars:


\Tab{Tri Sankhya \\\hline 
     Pra Trik\\Dvi Trik\\Tri Trik\\Cha Trik\\ Pan Trik\\ Shas Trik\\ Sap Trik}
     Prathama\\ Dvitiya\\Trutiya\\Chaturthi\\Panchami\\Shashthi\\Saptami}
\Tab{Ekavachana \\\hline
     Su (s)\\Am\\Ta (A)\\Ne (E)\\Nasi (as)\\Nas (as)\\Ni (ee)}
     Au\\Aut (Au)\\Bhyam\\Bhyam\\Bhyam\\Os\\ Os}
  Here comes the rotated text, which can also be 
  typeset in several lines.
}~}}  \\\hline
\caption{Subanta Pratyaya}


enter image description here

Another possibility, regarding to your question is:

\tabular{@{}|CC|@{}}\hline% the outer one
 Tri Sankhya& Vihbakti & Ekavachana & Dvivachana \\\hline
  Pra Trik  & Prathama & Su (s)     & Au         \\
  Dvi Trik  & Dvitiya  & Am         & Aut (Au)   \\
  Tri Trik  & Trutiya  & Ta (A)     & Bhyam      \\ 
  Cha Trik  & Chaturthi& Ne (E)     & Bhyam      \\
  Pan   Trik& Panchami & Nasi (as)  & Bhyam      \\
  Shas Trik & Shashthi & Nas (as)   & Os         \\
  Sap Trik  & Saptami  & Ni (ee)    & Os         \\ 
  Here comes the rotated text, which can also be 
  typeset in several lines.

but this needs to find the correct column height for the \parbox which is done in first example automatically

enter image description here

and a third solution, which also needs a manual setting of the parbox width:

          Tri Sankhya & Vihbakti    & Ekavachana & Dvivachana & \multicolumn{1}{@{}c|}{Bahuvachana} \\
          Pra Trik  & Prathama   & Su (s)& Au &  \\
          Dvi Trik & Dvitiya & Am & Aut (Au) &  \\
          Tri Trik  & Trutiya  & Ta (A) & Bhyam & \\ 
          Cha Trik  & Chaturthi  & Ne (E) & Bhyam & \\
          Pan   Trik & Panchami  & Nasi (as)& Bhyam &   \\
          Shas Trik & Shashthi  & Nas (as)& Os &   \\
          Sap Trik & Saptami & Ni (ee) & Os &   
  Here comes the rotated text, which can also be 
  typeset in several lines.}~}}

You can rotate a multi-line text using the adjustbox package. It also allows you too set the official height to zero so that you can place it in the last cell of the column where it also covers the upper cells, without interfering with the cell sizes.

For such small boxes you should use left alignment of text, best using \RaggedRight from the ragged2e package as shown.

    \begin{minipage}[b]{1 \linewidth}\centering
        Tri Sankhya & Vihbakti & Ekavachana & Dvivachana & Bahuvachana \\
        Pra Trik    & Prathama & Su (s)     & Au & \C  \\
        Dvi Trik    & Dvitiya  & Am         & Aut (Au) & \C  \\
        Tri Trik    & Trutiya  & Ta (A)     & Bhyam & \C \\ 
        Cha Trik    & Chaturthi& Ne (E)     & Bhyam & \C \\
        Pan Trik    & Panchami & Nasi (as)  & Bhyam & \C  \\
        Shas Trik   & Shashthi & Nas (as)   & Os & \C  \\
        Sap Trik    & Saptami  & Ni (ee)    & Os & \C
        \adjustbox{minipage=3.2cm,angle=90,raise={1pt}{0pt}{0pt}}{% raise by 1pt, set height and depth to 0pt.
            Here comes the rotated text, which can also be 
            typeset in several lines.
      \caption{Subanta Pratyaya}
