How to round off the result of \pscalculate?

\psCalculate (with an uppercase C) can accept some settings.


$0\foreach \i in {1,...,10}{,\psCalculate[round-mode=places,round-precision=0]{\q*((\a)^(\i)-(1-\a)^(\i))}}$

enter image description here

Fibonacci with simple LaTeX commands:

\newcommand\step{\add \rotate}

  \newcounter{i} \newcounter{en} \setcounter{en}{20}
  the first \theen\ Fibonacci numbers:\\
  \whiledo{\thei < \theen}{$\fib{\thei}$ \stepcounter{i}}

enter image description here

and the same with running lualatex:

function printFib(n)
  for i=1,n do tex.print(Fibonacci(i).." ") end
function Fibonacci(n)
  local function inner(m)
    if m < 2 then return m end
    return inner(m-1) + inner(m-2)
  return inner(n)


enter image description here


Someone should create a rlatex compiler at once, but meanwhile, I will settle with the knitr preprocess. Here the .Rnw file:

Fibonacci <- function(n) {
    x <- c(0,1)
    while (length(x) < n) {nth <- length(x)
        new <- x[nth] + x[nth-1]
        x <- c(x,new)}