How to round to 2 decimals with Python?

Using str.format()'s syntax to display answer with two decimal places (without altering the underlying value of answer):

def printC(answer):
    print("\nYour Celsius value is {:0.2f}ºC.\n".format(answer))


  • : introduces the format spec
  • 0 enables sign-aware zero-padding for numeric types
  • .2 sets the precision to 2
  • f displays the number as a fixed-point number

You can use the round function, which takes as its first argument the number and the second argument is the precision after the decimal point.

In your case, it would be:

answer = str(round(answer, 2))

Most answers suggested round or format. round sometimes rounds up, and in my case I needed the value of my variable to be rounded down and not just displayed as such.

round(2.357, 2)  # -> 2.36

I found the answer here: How do I round a floating point number up to a certain decimal place?

import math
v = 2.357
print(math.ceil(v*100)/100)  # -> 2.36
print(math.floor(v*100)/100)  # -> 2.35


from math import floor, ceil

def roundDown(n, d=8):
    d = int('1' + ('0' * d))
    return floor(n * d) / d

def roundUp(n, d=8):
    d = int('1' + ('0' * d))
    return ceil(n * d) / d