How to run cloned Django project?

While my hope is that this issue has been resolved by now, if I may, let's revisit something real quick-- I'm sure others have made and, are currently making this mistake.

I tried 'django-admin startproject ig_miner_app . but am getting this error code: "CommandError: " yadda yadda yadda ...

Django actually has amazing documentation. The guys behind it were writers and journalists and not your typical CS guys.

When learning something new, read the documentation. Run through the to-do app tutorial. Here's why:

django-admin startproject

This has already been satisfied if you are pulling a working copy of a pre-existing Application. Your concern should be with this file first and foremost: requirements.txt. This is where the devDependencies state their demands, if you will, similar to package.json.

First off, you are getting that error because you are starting a project within the same directory as the cloned project, this directory already contains an app with the name ig_miner_app hence the name conflict.

As regards steps to running the project by other users , this should work.

clone the project

git clone 

create and start a a virtual environment

virtualenv env --no-site-packages

source env/bin/activate

Install the project dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

create a file named ""

touch (mac and linux)

obtain a secret from MiniWebTool key and add to

export SECRET_KEY='<secret_key>'

add to .gitignore file

create a postgres db and add the credentials to

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
        'NAME': 'db_name',
        'USER': 'name',
        'PASSWORD': '',
        'HOST': 'localhost',
        'PORT': '',

then run

python migrate

create admin account

python createsuperuser


python makemigrations ig_miner_app

to makemigrations for the app

then again run

python migrate

to start the development server

python runserver

and open localhost:8000 on your browser to view the app.

I believe this should get the app up and running on others' machines. Let me know if you get stuck on any of these steps so I make edits, if not, you can just use it and add any other relevant info I might not have added.