How to run nmap HTTP scripts on unusual ports

The other answers here are very good. However, there are a couple ways to do what you want that will work without editing the scripts:

  1. You can teach Nmap to recognize this service. Nmap's service fingerprints are in the nmap-service-probes file. Nmap already recognizes some versions of MiniShare with this match line, added in Nmap 6.00:

    match http m|^HTTP/1\.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n\r\n.*<title>MiniShare</title>\r\n.*<td class=\"total\" colspan=\"2\">Total: (\d+) files</td><td class=\"totalsize\">([^<]+)</td></tr>\r\n</table>\r\n<hr><p class=\"versioninfo\"><a href=\"http://minishare\.sourceforge\.net/\">MiniShare ([\d.]+)</a>|s p/MiniShare http interface/ v/$3/ i/$1 files, $2 shared/ o/Windows/ cpe:/o:microsoft:windows/a

    But your service responds a little differently, and does not match. Please follow the instructions Nmap provides to submit this service fingerprint so that other users will benefit. In the meantime, you can construct a similar match line so that the service will be identified as "http" with -sV and the script will run.

  2. As a general rule, you can try updating to a newer version of Nmap. At the time of this writing, 6.47 was the latest version, so this won't help you, but it may help someone reading this answer later.

  3. You can force NSE scripts to run against all open ports by prepending a "+" to the script name. For example, --script +http-title will try to request a page and retrieve the title for every open service on the target. This can be dangerous and slow because the scripts were not written to be run against arbitrary services, and may time out or crash the target services.

One final warning: requesting --script http* will try to run a lot of scripts that you may not intend, including (in the development version): 23 "exploit", 1 "dos" (denial of service), 51 "intrusive", and 10 "external" category scripts. A better way to specify this would be --script "http* and safe" or --script "http* and default"

Simply use the + character before the script name to force execution of a script. Emphasis mine:

There are two special features for advanced users only. One is to prefix script names and expressions with + to force them to run even if they normally wouldn't (e.g. the relevant service wasn't detected on the target port). The other is that the argument all may be used to specify every script in Nmap's database. Be cautious with this because NSE contains dangerous scripts such as exploits, brute force authentication crackers, and denial of service attacks.

So if I run the command

# nmap -p 22 --script=+http-title.nse -d

this will force the "http-title" script to run against port 22:

NSE: Starting runlevel 1 (of 1) scan.
NSE: Starting http-title against
Initiating NSE at 14:14
NSE: Finished http-title against
Completed NSE at 14:14, 0.03s elapsed
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Host is up, received localhost-response (0.000089s latency).
Scanned at 2015-04-28 14:14:07 BST for 0s
22/tcp open  ssh     syn-ack
Final times for host: srtt: 89 rttvar: 5000  to: 100000

In your last test result, the question mark ("ntp?" instead of "ntp") tells that nmap was not able to recognize the running service. He therefore guess NTP only relying on the kind of service usually associated to this port number, but without any confidence at all (hence the question mark).

The headers sent by this service are very minimalistic:

HTTP/1\.1 400 Bad request
Content-Type: text/html

And that's it. On real web server, you would find a bunch of header telling the date, server's name, cache parameters, etc. Here, there is just nothing.

My guess is that you are therefore not facing a full fledged web server, but either:

  • A specifically crafted web server, like a remote administration interface embedded in some device,
  • An obfuscated web server (following our discussion in the comments below),
  • Another service relying on HTTP protocol (a web service, a WebDav server, etc.), trying other HTTP requests than the usual GET may trigger interesting behavior in such cases.


To answer more precisely your question, Nmap is a general tool, its scripts are mainly useful against non obfuscated servers as an easy way to get basic information.

Here, the admin did specific effort to obfuscate his server aiming precisely to hide the information needed by such general tools. It is therefore required to go a step further and use more specific tools.

From a technical point of view, nmap scripts are designed to be run only when necessary. HTTP related script will only be executed when a service is identified as HTTP by nmap. This is done by the portrule= statement you will find in the beginning of the scripts, here are a few example coming from random HTTP nmap scripts:

portrule = shortport.http    
portrule = shortport.port_or_service( {80, 443}, {"http", "https"}, "tcp", "open")

 A dirty way for instance would be to edit these script to force their execution... but with no guaranteed result. Better use the right tool for the right task.