How to search between two Streams in Java 8

You can't iterate Streams more than once. So your current code doesn't work (you get an exception like IllegalStateException: Stream already closed. From the java doc:

A stream should be operated on (invoking an intermediate or terminal stream operation) only once.

A possible solution would be to convert the pendingTransactionStream into a map where the key is the type of the id (I use string, because I don't know the keyType):

Actually a Set would be better as you don't need the PendingTransaction for anything else, for an example have a look at @Eran's answer

Map<String, PendingTransaction> pendingTransactionMap = pendingTransactionStream
    .collect(PendingTransaction::getId, Function.identity());

And then filter your processedTransactionStream, by checking if the id is in the map:

List<ProcessedTransaction> processedTransactionList = processedTransactionStream
    .filter(p -> pendingTransactionMap.containsKey(p.getId()))

Well, you can't consume the pendingTransactionStream Stream multiple times. You can transform it to a List (or even better, a Set) of transaction IDs to use in the filter method.

Set<String> pending =
List<ProcessedTransaction> processed = 
    processedTransactionStream.filter(pt -> pending.contains(pt.getTransactionId()))