How to search for a character the displays as "<85>" in Vim

For special character searching, win1252 for example, for the case of <80>,<90>,<9d>... type:

/\%u80, \/%u90, /\%u9d ...

from the editor.

Similarly for octal, decimal, hex, type: /\%oYourCode, /\%dYourCode, /\%xYourCode.

I found "Find & Replace non-printable characters in vim" searching Google. It seems like you should be able to do:


Omit the c to do the replacement without prompting, try with c first to make sure it is doing what you want it to do.

In Vim, typing :h \%x gives more details. In addition to \%x, you can use \%d, \%o, \%u and \%U for decimal, octal, up to four and up to eight hexadecimal characters.