How to select multiple files with <input type="file">?

This jQuery plugin (jQuery File Upload Demo) does it without flash, in the form it's using:

<input type='file' name='files[]' multiple />

The whole thing should look like:

<form enctype='multipart/form-data' method='POST' action='submitFormTo.php'> 
    <input type='file' name='files[]' multiple />
    <button type='submit'>Submit</button>

Make sure you have the enctype='multipart/form-data' attribute in your <form> tag, or you can't read the files on the server side after submission!

New answer:

In HTML5 you can add the multiple attribute to select more than 1 file.

<input type="file" name="filefield" multiple="multiple">

Old answer:

You can only select 1 file per <input type="file" />. If you want to send multiple files you will have to use multiple input tags or use Flash or Silverlight.

There is also HTML5 <input type="file" multiple name="files[]" /> (specification).

Browser support is quite good on desktop (just not supported by IE 9 and prior), less good on mobile, I guess because it's harder to implement correctly depending on the platform and version.