How to send artificial QKeyEvent to QWebEngineView?

I guess the only possibility to achieve this right now would be to make use of QAction to send an event to the WebView by using for example something like that:

connect( this , SIGNAL( keyPressed( int ) ) , &m_webview , SLOT( handleKey( int ) ) );

I suppose the functionality will be added in Qt 5.5.1 as you can see below:

This code work fine

 for(auto* child : ui->webEngineView->children() ) {
        int key = Qt::Key_V; //or some other
        QKeyEvent pressEvent = QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyPress, key, Qt::NoModifier, QKeySequence(key).toString());
        QKeyEvent releaseEvent = QKeyEvent(QEvent::KeyRelease, key, Qt::NoModifier);
        qApp->sendEvent(child, &pressEvent);
        qApp->sendEvent(child, &releaseEvent);

Despite original question is one year old, it is still actual for those who like me decided to move (at last!) from QWebKit to QWebEngine (Qt 5.5 - 5.6b). Here is a dirty solution that requires existing webenginepage->view(). This is for mouse events, and it would not be a big surprise if it's not situated for keyboard events:

void Whatever::sendMouseEvent( QObject* targetObj, QMouseEvent::Type type, const QPoint& pnt ) const
    QMouseEvent event( type, pnt, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier );
    QApplication::sendEvent( targetObj, &event );

void Whatever::sendMouseClick( QObject* targetObj, const QPoint& pnt ) const
    sendMouseEvent( targetObj, QMouseEvent::MouseMove, pnt );
    sendMouseEvent( targetObj, QMouseEvent::MouseButtonPress, pnt );
    sendMouseEvent( targetObj, QMouseEvent::MouseButtonRelease, pnt );

void Whatever::emulateMouseClick( const QPoint& pnt ) const
    //-- right now (Qt 5.5 & 5.6) there is only one child - 
    //-- QtWebEngineCore::RenderWidgetHostViewQtDelegateWidget
    //-- but it could change in future
    Q_FOREACH( QObject* obj, mWebEnPage->view()->children() ) //-- ACHTUNG! Check mWebEnPage->view() in real code!
        if( qobject_cast<QWidget*>( obj ) )
            sendMouseClick( obj, pnt );

Inspired by Using QWebEngine to render an image and How can I get paint events with QtWebEngine? and googling.