How to set _auth for a scoped registry in .npmrc?

for some strange reason the _auth is called _authToken when used with scoped packages. If you are using this you don't have to store your plain text password in your .npmrc


So, after some digging through the NPM source code, it turns out there is a way to do this.

My solution is below:



The scope @test-scope specifies that packages with the scope should be published to a different registry than the default registry= when executing the npm publish command.

The two lines starting with //nexus:8081/... are used to specify the credentials to the scoped repository for both username and _password where _password is the base64 encoded password component from the previously used _auth credentials.

Using this approach, only scoped packages will be published and installed from the private registry and all other packages will be installed from the default registry.


Additional to this, the password can be specified as an environment variable so that it is not stored in plaintext in the file.

For example:


Also, when using Nexus, the email= line must be specified.