How to set canOverrideExistingModule=true in React Native for Android Apps?

Go to file "" (under .\android\app\src\main\java\com\projectName\)

Make sure that under getPackages() function you don't have duplicate lines (in my case I had "new MapsPackage()" twice).

Fix duplicate imports as well.

The name of the package associated to this error is not AirMapModule but MapsPackage from

In your in directory : android/app/src/main/java/../../ remove any duplicate entry of :

  • the import package : import
  • the call to the constructor of the module : new MapsPackage() in function getPackages

Open the file by this address: android/app/src/main/java/com/projectName/ and add the following code to file:

public boolean canOverrideExistingModule() {        
  return true;    

And everything became correct.