How to set defaults for perforce client specs

You can't change the default client spec template (unless you're the Perforce system administrator) but you can set up and use your own template. You would first create a dummy client with a client spec that has the values that you want:

Client: my_template_client
Options:    noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime rmdir

SubmitOptions:  revertunchanged

Then you just specify that the dummy client should be used as a template when creating new clients:

p4 client -t my_template_client my_new_client_1

The first response here was incorrect:

You CAN create a default clientspec in Perforce using triggers.

Essentially, you create a script that runs on the server and runs whenever someone does a form-out on the form client. This script would have to check to see if the clientspec already exists, and then substitute a sensible "default" if it doesn't (if it's a new clientspec).

Note that this works fine and well, and it's even in the P4 SysAdmin Guide (the exact example you're looking for is there!) but it can be a bit difficult to debug, as triggers run on the SERVER, not on the client!


Specific Case Example: