How to set dependencies between DAGs in Airflow?

You can achieve this behavior using an operator called ExternalTaskSensor. Your task (B1) in DAG(B) will be scheduled and wait for a success on task (A2) in DAG(A)

External Task Sensor documentation

It looks like a TriggerDagRunOperator can be used as well, and you can use a python callable to add some logic. As explained here :

When cross-DAG dependency is needed, there are often two requirements:

  1. Task B1 on DAG B needs to run after task A1 on DAG A is done. This can be achieved using ExternalTaskSensor as others have mentioned:

    B1 = ExternalTaskSensor(task_id="B1",
  2. When user clears task A1 on DAG A, we want Airflow to clear task B1 on DAG B to let it re-run. This can be achieved using ExternalTaskMarker (since Airflow v1.10.8).

    A1 = ExternalTaskMarker(task_id="A1", 

Please see the doc about cross-DAG dependencies for more details: