How to set encoding in gedit 3.2?

I don't have a file encoded in GBK to test the solutions, but do try them.

Option 1: Run gedit and then open the file:

  • run gedit

  • click open

  • select in the encoding combo "add" and add GB18030 (or GBK)

  • select that encoding in the combo

  • select the file

Option 2:

  • install and run gconf-editor

  • Find /apps/gedit-2/preferences/encoding key "auto_detected" and set it to:


Remember to backup the previous value of auto_detected!!

Option 3: Using dconf (the "newer" gconf, used in ubuntu)

dconf read /org/gnome/gedit/preferences/encodings/auto-detected

Save the result (backup)!

dconf write /org/gnome/gedit/preferences/encodings/auto-detected "['CURRENT', 'GBK', 'GB18030', 'GB2312', 'UTF-8', 'UTF-16']"



To reset it to default: a) use the option you backed up from dconf read command

or b) try:

dconf reset /org/gnome/gedit/preferences/encodings/auto-detected

If you want do it quick then install medit. All works from the box.

If you still want use gedit then you need do some work:

  1. Set auto-detect

    gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.encodings auto-detected "['UTF-8', 'GBK', 'CURRENT', 'ISO-8859-15', 'UTF-16']"
  2. Install plugin for manual choose encoding. Really useful, especially when auto-detect don't detect encoding properly

"Change encoding" plugin for gedit v3

# Download plugin
mkdir -p /tmp/encoding
cd /tmp/encoding
tar -xzvf gedit-encoding-plugin.tar.gz

# Copy to plugins directory
mkdir -p ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins
cp /tmp/encoding/gedit-encoding-plugin/encoding.plugin /tmp/encoding/gedit-encoding-plugin/ ~/.local/share/gedit/plugins

# Remove /tmp/encoding
rm -Rf /tmp/encoding

Then run gedit. Choose Edit->Preferences->Plugins(tab)->Check "Encoding" checkbox. After you do that you can find "Encoding" in menu "File"

Plugin description:

Plugin for gedit v2. Same author as in plugin above: (this is .tgz ext, but be careful it is a tar only archive) or plugin for gedit v2 by another author:

!!! plugin for gedit v2 has got tar.gz ext, but it is only a tar archive that is not gzipped...

