How to set the font for a \section title (and chapter etc)
For the standard classes titlesec would be my choice. Here's an example using titlesec and the standard formatting/spacing, except that the font is changed to Helvetica (Arial has been derived from it) and the font color for demonstration. Adjust the \titleformat arguments to achieve what you desire.
\usepackage{mathptmx}% Times Roman font
\usepackage[scaled=.90]{helvet}% Helvetica, served as a model for arial
{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge}
With KOMA-Script classes it's easy as many other issues, just use \setkomafont
and \addtokomafont
. Here's the example:
\usepackage{mathptmx}% Times Roman font
\usepackage[scaled=.90]{helvet}% Helvetica, served as a model for arial
Depending on the level of customization you want, pick one of the following, in decreasing order of power/difficulty:
- read the Latex Companion and get your hands dirty programming
- titlesec package
- sectsty package
- fncychap package
- memoir document class.