How to set the today's date in datepicker textbox in angularjs
I am not sure what you mean by a datepicker textbox. Are you using a date input?
<input name="dateInput" type="date" ng-model="date"/>
If so in the controller you need to set the ng-model variable, in this case, $ to the default date you want to use e.g. to use today's date
var d=new Date();
var year=d.getFullYear();
var month=d.getMonth()+1;
if (month<10){
month="0" + month;
var day=d.getDate();
$ + "-" + month + "-" + day;
I have set up a plunkr at
If so in the controller you need to set the ng-model variable, in this case, $ to the default date you want to use e.g. to use today's date
$ = new Date();
In your html:
<input name="dateInput" type="date" ng-model="date"/>