How to setup admin user with gitlab with LDAP authentication?

Mine is a variant of the accepted answer but it's based on an example from the official documentation

From the command line of your gitlab server:

Open the gitlab rails console (I'm assuming here that you aren't logged in as root):

sudo gitlab-rails console production

Then type the following commands:

 user = User.find_by(username: 'my_username')
 user.admin = true!

Close the console:


Update your gitlab server:

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

This is what I did to make a LDAP (or Windows AD) user vikas as admin.

First login on GitLab portal and logout, then run the below commands.

gitlab-rails console production
u = User.where(id: 1).first
u.admin = true!

After running the above commands, login again and now your will have admin privileges for vikas AD user.

You can also set admin permissions to a user by doing something like this in the rails console:

User.find_by_email("[email protected]") do |i|
    i.admin = true