How to show empty view with Paging 3 library in Android

You can directly plug into the adapter loadStateFlow, e.g

    lifecycleScope.launchWhenCreated {
        adapter.loadStateFlow.collectLatest { loadStates ->
            val refresher = loadStates.refresh
            val displayEmptyMessage =  (refresher is LoadState.NotLoading && refresher.endOfPaginationReached && adapter.itemCount == 0)
            layoutBinding.emptyStateMessage.isVisible = displayEmptyMessage
            layoutBinding.emptyStateImage.isVisible = displayEmptyMessage
            layoutBinding.swipeToRefresh.isRefreshing = refresher is LoadState.Loading

This worked for me:

if (loadState.source.refresh is LoadState.NotLoading &&
    loadState.append.endOfPaginationReached &&
    adapter.itemCount < 1
) {
   recyclerView.isVisible = false
   textViewEmpty.isVisible = true
} else {
    textViewEmpty.isVisible = false