How to signal to gtest that a test wants to skip itself

Since gtest release 1.10.0 the macro GTEST_SKIP() is available so you can do something like this:

TYPED_TEST_P(TheTest, ATest){
        GTEST_SKIP();  // this ends the test here so no need for return
    // ... real test code goes here

I came up with a simple yet acceptable solution:

Simply print an additional skip line myself using a macro:

  if(!TypeParam::hasFeature(FEATURE_NAME)) {\
     std::cout << "[  SKIPPED ] Feature " << #FEATURE_NAME << "not supported" << std::endl;\
} while(0)

Then I can simply use this macro:

TYPED_TEST_P(TheTest, ATest){
    // ... real test code goes here

The result will look as follows:

[ RUN      ] XYZ/TheTest/0.ATest
[  SKIPPED ] Feature MyFeatureXY not supported 
[       OK ] XYZ/TheTest/0.ATest (0 ms)

The only small flaw is that there is still an OK line, but at least it is apparent that the test case was skipped and also the missing feature is displayed neatly. Another flaw is that a GUI test runner will not display the skip that neatly, but I don't care about this as I only use command line tools to run the test cases.


