How to simplify a basic diagram

I think there are two different questions here and I am not sure which one is that you ask: One is how to draw the diagram efficiently I guess,

\foreach \x in {1,2,3,4} {
        \draw (0.3*\x ,2mm) -- (0.3*\x,9mm) 
        node[above] {\pgfmathparse{2*\x-1}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}}     
        (0.3*\x,-2mm) -- (0.3*\x,-9mm) 
        node[below] {\pgfmathparse{2*\x}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}};
\draw (1.2cm,-2mm) -- ++(-3cm,0) (1.2cm,2mm) -- ++(-3cm,0);

which gives

enter image description here,

the other one is how to place this in a page (which is not so clear as a question). If you can provide more details about the page (is it a presentation or a plain article? do you want to wrap some text around it? Is it just a figure? etc.) that you are designing we can help further.

EDIT I hope I got it right but here it goes:

\begin{scope}%--- I just put the first picture in a scope 
\foreach \x in {1,2,3,4} {
        \draw (0.35*\x ,2mm) -- (0.35*\x,9mm) 
        node[above] {\pgfmathparse{2*\x-1}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}}     
        (0.35*\x,-2mm) -- (0.35*\x,-9mm) 
        node[below] {\pgfmathparse{2*\x}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}};
\draw (1.4cm,-2mm) -- ++(-3cm,0) (1.4cm,2mm) -- ++(-3cm,0);

\begin{scope}[xshift=5cm]%--- This moves the contents of this scope to the right
\foreach \x in {1,2,...,10} {
        \draw (0.35*\x ,2mm) -- (0.35*\x,9mm) 
        node[above] {\pgfmathparse{2*\x-1}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}}     
        (0.35*\x,-2mm) -- (0.35*\x,-9mm) 
        node[below] {\pgfmathparse{2*\x}\pgfmathprintnumber{\pgfmathresult}};
\draw (3.5cm,-2mm) -- ++(-5cm,0) (3.5cm,2mm) -- ++(-5cm,0);

% ground symbol does not require a scope anyway but convenient to place it 
% since I am not sure if I got the idea correctly
\draw (0,0) -- (0,1) (-0.7,0)--(0.7,0);
\draw (-4.5mm,-3mm) -- (4.5mm,-3mm);
\draw (-2mm,-6mm) -- (2mm,-6mm);

enter image description here

I hope I am somewhere close to what you described in your edit.

Admittedly, this is a bit crude but hopefully it points you in the right direction. Basically, this sets up a TikZ to path style that lets you draw the diagram at any position in your TikZ picture. Using the center, flushleft, flushright environments you should be able to put the picture in the right position in a figure (assuming you're using a figure environment ot present the picture).


\tikzset{my diagram/.style={to path={
         (\tikztostart) coordinate (a) -- (\tikztotarget) coordinate (b)
         ($(a)!0.4cm!+90:(b)$) coordinate (a')
         ($(b)!0.4cm!-90:(a)$) coordinate (b')
         \foreach \distance/\label in {0.0cm/1,0.2cm/3,0.4cm/5,0.6cm/7} {
             ($(b)!\distance!(a)$) coordinate (tmp) -- ($(tmp)!0.4cm!-90:(a)$)
             node[allow upside down,anchor=south,pos=1,sloped,rotate=-90] {\label}
         ($(a)!0.2cm!-90:(b)$) coordinate (c)
         ($(b)!0.2cm!+90:(a)$) coordinate (d)
         (c) -- (d)
         ($(c)!0.4cm!-90:(d)$) coordinate (c')
         ($(d)!0.4cm!+90:(c)$) coordinate (d')
         \foreach \distance/\label in {0.0cm/2,0.2cm/4,0.4cm/6,0.6cm/8} {
             ($(d)!\distance!(c)$) coordinate (tmp) -- ($(tmp)!0.4cm!+90:(c)$)
             node[allow upside down,anchor=north,pos=1,sloped,rotate=+90] {\label}
   \draw (0,0) to[my diagram] (1.5,0);
   \draw (2,2) to[my diagram] (3.0,0);

two to paths

run it with xelatex or latex->dvips->ps2pdf





enter image description here