How to solve 'command find requires authentication' using Node.js and mongoose?
Looking at the results from db.geUsers()
in your post, the target database and authentication database are different.
You can change the connection URL with a query parameter called authSource=admin
where admin
is your authentication credential source.
Connection URL:
const mongoURI =
"mongodb://writeApp:[email protected]:27017/writeapp?authSource=admin";
const mongoURI =
Update: On User Roles
dbAdmin role that is assigned to writeApp
user doesn't provide read/write on non-system collections. Try granting read
or readWrite
to the user.
db.grantRolesToUser( "writeApp", [ "read" ] ) //OR
db.grantRolesToUser( "writeApp", [ "readWrite" ] )
NOTE: authSource URI option docs
1. How to connect from terminal and mongo:
When you install MongoDB the authorization is disabled. So keep it like that for now. Create a root user in admin database:
Type: mongod
in a terminal to run db, and then in another terminal run command mongo
to run access mongo terminal
use admin
user: "root",
pwd: "pass123",
roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" }, "readWriteAnyDatabase" ]
Now create a database:
Run the use
statement. If the database doesn't already exist, it will be created
use writeapp
To confirm the database created, you must insert some data otherwise it will not be created.
db.testcollection.insert({ artist: "Mike" })
After that you have created root user and a new db. Now change mongodb config
nano /etc/mongod.conf
Change the line to:
authorization: "enabled"
Now restart the db service from a terminal.
sudo systemctl restart mongod
check the status:
sudo systemctl status mongod
From now you need password to login to mongo
mongo -u root -p pass123 --authenticationDatabase admin
Let now create a user in admin database but also give admin privilege to a specific database like writeapp
`use admin`
`db.createUser({user:"writetApp", pwd:"writeApp5299", roles:[{role:"dbOwner", db:"writeapp"}]});`
To check the user:
"_id" : "admin.root",
"userId" : UUID("8f6c1295-a261-4057-9a29-8a9919437841"),
"user" : "root",
"db" : "admin",
"roles" : [
"role" : "userAdminAnyDatabase",
"db" : "admin"
"mechanisms" : [
"_id" : "admin.writeApp",
"userId" : UUID("ee148506-1860-4739-80db-17352e0e2ccb"),
"user" : "writeApp",
"db" : "admin",
"roles" : [
"role" : "dbOwner",
"db" : "writeapp"
"mechanisms" : [
Exit from mongo and login
`mongo -u "writeApp" -p writeApp5299 --authenticationDatabase "admin"`
Now if you have created the user in other db rather than admin then --authenticationDatabase "yourdbname"
Now to execute command from mongo.
`use writeapp`
` db.testcollection.find();`
2. How to connect from node.js:
const mongoURI = 'mongodb://writeApp:[email protected]:27017/writeapp';
const db = mongoose.connect(mongoURI, { useNewUrlParser: true });
mongoose.connect('mongodb://writeApp:[email protected]:27017/writeapp?auththSource=writeapp&w=1',{ useNewUrlParser: true });
Both works either you use authSource
or not, not a problem at all:
The Problem:
server.js or app.js runs first in any node.js app or the entry point which loads all modules/middleware/routes etc.
Now if any of the route has another mongodb connect which has issue, the application error simply shows the error that I showed:
command find/insert/update requires authentication
But the problem is it does not show which file has the issue. So it was time-consuming to look for the issue in each route. So the problem is solved