How to solve Interpolation inside attributes has been removed. Use v-bind or the colon shorthand ? Vue.JS 2

Use javascript code inside v-bind (or shortcut ":") :

:href="'#purchase-' +"


:id="'purchase-' +"

Or if using ES6+:


If you're pulling data from an object and images from the src/assets folder, you need to include require('assets/path/image.jpeg') in your object like I did below.

Working example:

people: [
    name: "Name",
    description: "Your Description.",
    closeup: require("../assets/something/absolute-black/image.jpeg"),

Not in your v-img element -- Don't work

<v-img :src="require(people.closeup)"></v-img>

Use v-bind or shortcut syntax ':' to bind the attribute. Example:

<input v-bind:placeholder="title">
<input :placeholder="title">