How to solve " not found" while using Unity as a library in Android application with latest AndroidX Versions out of ReactNative
I can answer by myself now. The issue was caused by Unity export that was not ARM64-compatible unless several settings were applied manually. Here is how:
Bevor building for Android, we need to adjust some settings in "Player Settings" in order to make ARM64 available:
- Switching "Scripting Backend" from Mono to ILCPP, which enables us to:
- Select "ARM64" under Target Architectures
If you run into an Error like "NDK not found" while building, ensure that Unity has downloaded and installed its own copy of NDK:
Having all this in mind will enable us to link against these libraries without failing to find "".
Please add following line into your string.xml
<string name="game_view_content_description">Game view</string>
After that add below snippet into your app level's gradle file
defaultConfig {
ndk {
abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86'
That's it. Enjoy coding!!