How to Solve Low Disk Space for Android Studio?

I was getting this error and restarting Android Studio and adding more memory did not help. At this point I noticed it was happening across all my emulators in android studio. It turns out that some of the files in the emulators could not be read because they have became corrupt. The simplest solution is usually the best answer so restarting my computer fixed it. Hope this saves someone time!

Android Studio with SDK Tools,JDK and AVD takes almost 30gb but I believe that it needs a little bit more to work properly.Everything bigger than 40gb it's Ok.It depends on the number of SDK's that you download.If you have 40gb of free disk space you will never have this message.Sometimes crashes or pop messages if you use it a lot of days without reboot your computer make a reboot and everything will be fine.

You can install studio and SDK separately into different partitions:

Or you can move your existing SDK folder anywhere and then just point studio to it in preferences.

Also consider that AVD files are actually stored in your system user folder (user/.android/avd on Windows, not sure where exactly on mac), not in SDK folder.

I had the same problem, I installed android studio a 128gb partition and togther with JAVA jdk and all sdk related file it consume most of its disk space. I re-install it on a larger partition and it solve my problem.