How to sort by multiple properties in Spring Data (JPA) derived queries?

Yes it's should be possible:

Try this:

findByProgrammeAndDirectorAndProgDateBetweenOrderByProgDateStartTimeAsc(String programme, String director, Date progStart, Date progEnd);

I have not tested the code, but according to things I've already done, it should work.

I am Sharing one other approach code snippet for implementing get operation where performing sort operation ordered by multiple column

        List<Order> orders = new ArrayList<Order>();

        Order StartTimeOrder = new Order(Sort.Direction.DESC, "StartTime");
        Order progDateOrder = new Order(Sort.Direction.ASC, "ProgDate");
        return repository.findAll(;

The trick is to simply delimit the properties you want to sort by using the direction keywords Asc and Desc. So what you probably want in your query method is something like:


Note, how we conclude the first property definition by Asc and keep going with the next property.

Generally speaking, we recommend switching to @Query based queries, once method names exceed a certain length or complexity. The main reason being that it's awkward for clients to call these very long methods. With @Query you rather get the full power of the query language plus a reasonably sized method name that might be of higher level language to express the intent of the query.