How to specify --main-class and --module-version in maven-jar-plugin?

A temporary workaround is to call jar --update in the package phase:

                    <exec executable="${java.home}/bin/jar" failonerror="true">
                        <arg value="--main-class"/>
                        <arg value="[main class here]"/>
                        <arg value="--module-version"/>
                        <arg value="0.1"/>
                        <arg value="--update"/>
                        <arg value="--file"/>
                        <arg value="${}/${project.artifactId}-${project.version}.jar"/>

I'm open for better ideas.

This is possible with maven-jar-plugin version 3.1.2+ (not released yet, but issue is closed):

              <mainClass>[main class here]</mainClass>

The description says:

Starting with version 3.1.2, if the JAR file contains module-info.class, this plugin will update the modular descriptor (module-info.class) with additional attributes [...]. The most notable additional attribute added is the module main class.

Basically it takes the value which is added to the Manifest-file and also adds it to module-info.




Java 9